Professional Sketch Artists for hire at your fingertips in Tazewell.

Reinold Mesa

Milwaukee, United States

Pricing starts at $49

(I do not mind replicating an existing design)

Custom designs for wallpapers or decals,Interviews,Tattoo Design,Live painting events,Canvas commissions,Workshops
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Wauwatosa, United States

Pricing starts at $75

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1. I really love drawing pet portraits. Cats and Dogs are my most popular subject to draw and I always love drawing them for my clients. It's fun for me incorporating the details in the hair and to capture the look of the pet's face 2. Jobs involving celebrities, especially rockstars and voice actors 3. I really enjoy painting projects. Any project where I can paint is fun to do and is where I get very creative 4. Landscape and nature paintings 5. Tattoo drawing and designs
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Daytona Beach, United States

Pricing starts at $75

(I can replicate designs if it suits my style)

Interviews,Tattoo Design,Canvas commissions,Online Workshop,Live painting events

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Mural work, body painting, studio and fun photography events
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Winter Park, United States

Pricing starts at $100

(I do not mind replicating an existing design)

Tattoo Design,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals

Pick me for:

I love jobs with a good bit of a challenge as well as digital formatting. I’m also wanting to start doing mural work aswell.
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Orlando, United States

Pricing starts at $950

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