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Mural & Street Art




Member Since

December, 2023

Avg. Response Time

9 hours

Katiessart in United Kingdom



Bristol,United Kingdom


Tattoo Design,Canvas commissions,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals,Live painting events,Online Workshop,Workshops,Interviews


Total years of experience:

I am a Bristol/Cambridge based artist studying animation at UWE, and working as a muralist part time. I have been doing murals for about 4 years now, doing murals for peoples homes and a few schools in Cambridge. I even have a mural in Sri Lanka. I am passionate about surreal art and creating things that people have never seen before. I not only do murals but also do commissioned art and furniture painting. I paint guitars and other instruments for live music, and have done much personalised artwork. Feel free to message with any questions.

I can replicate designs if it suits my style

Pick me for these projects! :-

I love to work on projects where I’m given a relaxed brief where I can go absolutely wild and create whatever my mind comes up with.

I'll sit these ones out :-

I don’t love jobs where I am given something very specific to do,   where I don’t get any sort of artistic input.

The Lobster
Custom guitar
The fish
Custom guitar
The beetle
The crab
Doodle bird
Art department mural
Corridor mural
Bathroom mural
School mural
Plastic fish




Worked with the following major brands:

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