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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings


Portrait Art


Sketch Art




Member Since

December, 2023

Avg. Response Time

2 days

Nasha Cash in United Kingdom

Nasha Cash


Manchester,United Kingdom


Interviews,Live painting events,Canvas commissions,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals,Tattoo Design,Workshops,Online Workshop

Total years of experience:

Hey, I'm a Manchester based artist who creates work in a variety of mediums , specialising in speed portraits and whimsical, psychedelic illustrations. My portrait style has been developed from my weekly life drawing sessions and blends together watercolour, pen and coloured pencil to create soft, elegant pieces that really capture a person's essence within a manner of minutes. I also create drawings inspired by all of the little woodland critters, creating a sense nostalgia with humorous cartoons and bolt colour. I create these both at large scale as murals and as digitally coloured images.

I paint my designs that have been created after working with the clients

Pick me for these projects! :-

I'll sit these ones out :-

Camden open air festival 2023
Bicycle day frogs
Pastel portrait
Live portrait at Overdrawn
Art battle at museum of science and industry
Frogs on logs
Speed portrait
Sketching David hoyle
Camden open air 2022
Frogs shading selves from sun with leaf
Live portrait
Sketching David hoyle
Tamagotchi frog digital version
Rabbit floating in church
Speed portrait
Party guest portrait
Tamagotchi frogs
Frog and lute
The space between
Speed portrait
Art battle
Tamagotchi frogs
Birth scene
Live portrait
Speed drawing
Cat dnd
Live portrait
Live portrait
Cat in swamp
Speed portrait
Speed portrait
Frogs and tamagotchis
Speed portrait
Speed portrait
Love cats
Speed portrait
Speed portrait
Frog sticker design
30 minute sketch
Life drawing
Life drawing




Worked with the following major brands:

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