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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings


Portrait Art


Member Since

September, 2023

Avg. Response Time

1 hours

GroovyMoon in United States



Port Orange,United States



Canvas commissions,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals,Online Workshop,Interviews,Live painting events

Total years of experience:

Reviews (1)



Ease and quality of communication


Completion and delivery timeframes


Quality of the artwork


Gabe Davenport


| 30-Dec-2024

Nicole was wonderful! She was able to complete my requested piece well within my ideal timeframe, was highly communicative during the process, and provided a perfect painting which exactly captured what I was looking for. I highly recommend her!!

Hello there , I am Nicole and I live outside of Dallas . I have been drawing and painting since I can remember and started mural painting this last year . Along with commission oil painting. I work fast and accurate and love to see the smile on my customers faces when the murals are finished . I look forward to working with you to create a one of a kind art piece for you .

I can replicate designs if it suits my style

Pick me for these projects! :-

I'll sit these ones out :-

Mouse girls bedroom wall
Cupcake love
Boys bedroom wal mural boat in the country
Hang on
Cry pop surrealism
Jungle mural
Pet portrait
Cow in field
Tropical mural by pool
Bug on the beach
Portrait of an angel
Pool Beach Mural
Crusin pin up girl
Snail illustration
Retro pin up style mural
Fireman Art
The queen
Beach side mural
Dog oil painting
Stuck oil on canvas
Sea turtle
Beach mural
Window painting for Fall
Angel wing mural
Beach lanai Florida
City Postcard Mural
Pool Lanai mural
Icehouse Mural
Beach theme mural
Graffiti entrance
Elementary School Mural
57 Chevy truck mural
Entrance mural
Character work
The shining tree painting
Cows in a bathroom
Fencing cactus and hummingbird
Yoda Star Wars mural
Mavericks Dirk painting dreams
Horse in little girls bedroom
Hair salon cactus hummingbird mural




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