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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings


Member Since

June, 2023

Avg. Response Time

36 minutes

Sarah John in United States

Sarah John


San Diego,United States


Custom designs for wallpapers or decals,Tattoo Design,Canvas commissions

Total years of experience:

Sarah is an artist born and raised in San Diego, California. Her art is inspired by her love of nature and movement. When starting pieces she often does not have an end plan, and follows her instincts to create whimsical and fun works of art. Sarah is passionate about using vibrant colors and unique shapes in all that she does. She has always been inspired by how colors can convey emotions, and tries to provoke those feelings through her work. She looks at her paintings as a puzzle, where she needs to create the all the bits and pieces that fit best together until the piece feels completed.

I can replicate designs if it suits my style

Pick me for these projects! :-

I'll sit these ones out :-

Ocean Beach Parrot
Bright Breeze
Plumeria Palm
Spring Shine




Worked with the following major brands:

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