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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings


Member Since

April, 2023

Avg. Response Time

2 hours

Ear83 in United States



Pearland,United States


Canvas commissions,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals,Interviews

Total years of experience:

I am a self-taught artist that specializes in acrylic paint. I have been a stay-at-home mom the past decade and as my littlest ones transition to school I am looking for work once again and want to follow my passion of painting. I usually paint kid's murals, t-ball signs, and wooden farmhouse personalized decor. I would love to get back to work with the brush again.

I do not mind replicating an existing design

Pick me for these projects! :-

I'll sit these ones out :-

Great Wolf Lodge Mural
M & Y
Auntie & The Kiddos
The Best of Friends
M & Y
Chillin in England
Maria & Baby Francesca
Maria & Baby Francesca
Photo props
Casino night entry
Wall mural
Treat street
Play Station
Play Centers
Play Center
Kids mural




Worked with the following major brands:

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