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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings


Member Since

December, 2022

Avg. Response Time

2 days

Domart in Switzerland





Workshops,Interviews,Online Workshop

Total years of experience:

I am a Zurich-based artist who works across a multitude of mediums. I’ve painted since I remember being a kid Some people describe me as a naive artist since I don't design my paintings in advance. My thoughts and creativity make a great team, and I always find myself ready to express ideas by throwing them on the canvas without thinking about combining colors and shapes. I use colors to highlight forms and shapes which might take some moments for a viewer to find, and achieving that, gives the greatest pleasure to one's inner self. I like to express happiness and keep my art new and intriguing to the viewer. I like to create abstract faunas and abstract plants in jungles, when my imagination goes wild I can definitely transfer into the canvas with a touch of aboriginal influences. My passion for art murals began in 2020 and I did some work for a scout association and a mural in a house.

I paint my designs that have been created after working with the clients

Pick me for these projects! :-

I'll sit these ones out :-

Membership patch for ASMAC 2019
Feliç al meu propi laberint
Patch 2018 for ASMAC
Falling stars
Shield and patch for ASMAC 2017
Libertè totale d’être
Abstract jungle
il timone della mi anima




Worked with the following major brands:

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