Member Since

October, 2020


Live painting events,Canvas commissions for clients,Doing custom designs for wallpaper or decals,Workshops,Interviews

Total years of experience:

Fieldey (A.K.A. Haylee Fieldes) is a professional muralist, illustrator and workshop facilitator with over 16 years experience in art and design. Her work has been in magazines, books, websites and on Netflix. She has worked with international brands such as Coca-Cola, AnyTime Fitness, Converse, Seven Skates and Citroën UK. Fieldey’s iconic style blends the retro, effortless cool of old-school tattoo with elements of pop art and realistic portraiture. Fieldey also brings her love of richly-detailed flora to her artworks, creating unique pieces that explode with colour and life. Fieldey particularly loves working with brands to bring their message to life in the form of murals or other custom artworks. She is also very experienced in working with restaurant and shop fit-outs. Her popular YouTube channel, Fieldey TV features the best art tutorials on the net, and has gained her a cult following of over 48,000 loyal fans internationally. In Western Australia, Fieldey is well known for her innovative urban art workshops for schools and city councils. She ran a popular Saturday morning surfboard painting workshop for the gifted and talented students at Balcatta Senior High, and has additionally conducted workshops at Safety Bay Senior High School, Baldivis Secondary College, and Kalamunda Senior High School. Fieldey spent three months as an Artist in Residence at Melville Senior High, facilitating a student mural and providing workshops for the students. She has also helped to engage youths from disadvantaged backgrounds at the Kwinana Zone and Willagee Community Centre. A skilled educator and a master of her professional practice, Fieldey offers workshops and community mural painting events to schools and city councils. Her work places a particular emphasis on community engagement from the concept to the painting stage, creating a professionally finished product that fosters a sense of ownership and pride within the community. She also utilises her YouTube videography background, creating bespoke ‘making of’ project videos that form part of the story of the project.

I paint my designs that have been created after working with the clients

Pick me for these projects! :-

Shop fit-outs, restaurants, commercial large scale murals, murals in homes, working with brands.

I'll sit these ones out :-

Cheers to Tequila!
The Beatles
The Death of Cool
Bohemian Sky Burial
Best Brew Bar & Kitchen
Santa Frida
Jumping the Shark
Mac's American Diner
Ocean Beach Hotel and Coca-Cola
Ocean Beach Hotel and Coca-Cola 2
Pulp Fiction Room
Barabarella Room
Tiger and Colibris
Frida y Diego
Tiki Bar
The Tav


2002 – 2003 Billy Blue School of Graphic Arts Advanced Diploma of Graphic Art,   Sydney


Residencies & Grants
AiR - Artist in Residency Grant
2016 - Melville Senior High


Solo Exhibitions
2013 Fieldey’s Kookshow – Dropping in on Surf Art,   multiple venues Margaret River

Selected Group Exhibitions
2016 Sculpture by the Sea,   Bondi and Cottesloe - collaboration with Margarita Sampson
2015 Valley of the Nightflowers,   Linton and Kay Gallery - co-curator and exhibitor
2015 PUBLIC SALON,   FORM,   Perth
2014 Framed,   Hollywood Hotel,   Sydney
2012 Bremick Emerging Artist Award Perth

Worked with the following major brands:

Coca Cola,   Citroën,   Iron Fist Clothing,   Sea Shepherd,   Molotow Grafitti Products,   Liquitex Paints,   Staedtler Australia,   Anytime Fitness,   Seven Skates,   Surfaid and The Royal Lifesaving Society.

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