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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings


Sketch Art




Member Since

August, 2022

Avg. Response Time

1 hours

Christina Ball  in United States

Christina Ball


Boulder,United States


Workshops,Live painting events,Tattoo Design,Canvas commissions,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals

Total years of experience:


1 Years

So a bit about me! I'm a freestyle based artist. Meaning I typically have no clue as to what I'm creating and just let it flow on out of my finger tips. I can replicate whatever you like so that's not out of picture. Since I was a kid we never stopped moving. Some have asked if I was an army brat. I am not. Started in FL>NC>MN>TX>MN>SPAIN>MN>FL>CO>CA>CO>CA>CO Which the reasons for this gypsy childhood will remain a mystery. Nature and adventures get those creative juices flowing for me. Snowboarding is an absolute necessity for the creative process. It was several years ago that naked and afraid hit me up asking if I'd go on their show. I think this mostly shows the wild nature side that influences my art. Id never go on a show but the idea was hilarious!

I do not mind replicating an existing design

Pick me for these projects! :-

I love to do pieces that allow me to find a persons essence or internal process/ personality that needs to be expressed.

I'll sit these ones out :-

Commercial and advertising

Arts plus immigration
Let me go gentle
Live Portrait Art
Shiva of the night
Point of Focus
The Silver Lining
The beard
The Slush
We are Connected
Roads to the inner portals
Timeline Shuffle
The Tunnel of Focus
Lost in the Middle
Sweet Release
Touch Point
Sweet Embrace
Craddle Us
In the Beginninng
Rippling Pain
The Chaos Unraveling
The Change of Pattern
Ride or Die
The ocean arriving in the Mountains
Wall flower
The shaman of the shadows


Naropa University 2022
BA transpersonal humanistic psychology
BA somatic Psychology
MI art therapy
Certificate graphic design
Some classes taken at Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design
Intern for boulder county art alliance
Intern for firehouse Gallery



Showing at Fish Hostel

Worked with the following major brands:

Firehouse Gallery
Boulder County Art Alliance
Fliers for Elephant Revival and Gypsy Moon

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