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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings






Member Since

August, 2022

Jodee Knowles  in Australia

Jodee Knowles




Workshops,Interviews,Live painting events,Online Workshop,Canvas commissions,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals

Total years of experience:

I am a Blue Mountians based artist who works across a multitude of mediums and a range of environments. I specialise unique portrait work, murals and art direction across many different industries. My work is heavily based on the human condition and the emotional state of mind that makes or breaks a happy existence. My portraits are a reflection of ones memories and expectations, in which the concept of an intoxicating other is celebrated or hated by thematically dealing with the feeling of being torn between addiction and satisfaction - between excess and boredom.

I can replicate designs if it suits my style

Pick me for these projects! :-

I'll sit these ones out :-

The illusion of seperateness
Little space dude
External identity
Consciousness collectors
What is false in you
Consciousness collector
Rising above thought
Little hair maid
All seeing eye
Unshakable Peace
Traveller 4445
Invite for Dream Demon Japan
Edward Scissorhands Hair Salon
Dream Demon japan
The Street Art Walk Katoomba
The Betrayal
Oxford Art Factory Mural
Energy’s aren’t to be controlled they are to move with
NGA Know my name all female movable murals
The futures not ours
Mermaid mural
Typography mural for lyrebird Backpackers
Scion Toyota Gallery LA
Christian Blanchard Photography Studio
Lyrebird Backpackers Blue Mountians
Studio 281 mural
Young Henry’s Brewery Newtown Sydney
Veterinarian clinic Gyama
Cultural Centre Blue Mountains
Mountain Culture Beer Co mural
Edward Scissorhands Hair Salon
Baby likes to Pony
Disney studios LA
Movable mural
Nassara Studios
Oxford art factory
Lee Preston Hairdressing
Lead and Bean
Sun studios
Dr Morse Bar Melbourne
The Cure
The chosen one
Mural at student workshop
The Knowing
51 Pegasus
Sophia and the everything




Worked with the following major brands:

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