Pricing starts at 5000 CAD.

Samuel  in





Workshops,Interviews,Live painting events,Online Workshop,Tattoo Design,Canvas commissions,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals

Total years of experience:

I am a well weathered artist I have been painting and for well over 25 years I have lived and worked in Singapour mainland china amd japan. I currently live in my home town of Vancouver Canada. I am inspired by everyday life anything I see that looks bland or grey not meaning the colour but the lifelessness grey I want to bring to life colour is our imagination at work. And I see everyday life as imagination in motion. I absolutely love bringing a smile to peoples faces when they see my art and watch them stare at it looking for meaning in an absolutely chaotic backsplash of life. To me my art is more then just lines in paper it’s chaos in motion.

I do not mind replicating an existing design

Pick me for these projects! :-

Creative direction

I'll sit these ones out :-

Mundane repetition

Imagination in motion
Eagles fly high
Easy rider
Shark tank
The coloured man


Emily care school of art


Vancouver City fine arts programme winner and Emily care student of the year grant


Face book headquarters in Seattle Washington cafeteria painting

Worked with the following major brands:

Nike,   Facebook,  Reebok,  Levi’s ,   Accenture

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