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Mural & Street Art


Sculpture Art


Member Since

March, 2025

Robert Michael Young in

Robert Michael Young




Workshops,Interviews,Live painting events,Canvas commissions,Tattoo Design,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals,Online Workshop

Animal Sculptures Bronze Sculptures Conceptual Sculptures Contemporary Sculptures Figurative Sculptures Monumental Sculptures Stainless Steel Sculptures Storied Sculptures Wall Sculptures

Total years of experience:


6 Years

Robert Michael Young is a Gunnai, Waradjurie, Gunditjumara, Yorta Yorta, Bunorong man who’s heart, and spirit are for his Culture and People. Robert is an established artist and has created Artworks and Sculptures all over Melbourne. Robert has been a part of significant moments that are shifting and changing the conversations around his People, Culture and Art. Robert creates from place that speaks to the spirit of the project he works on, knowing that his cultural and creative heritage is something that he draws his artist integrity from. Some of the companies, projects and people Robert has met in his career as an artist include meeting Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their visit to Melbourne during their tour as Duke and Duchess of Essex when Robert spoke about his mural with them both. He has created a line of Clothing and Shoes for PUMA. Artwork for the AFL and Richmond FC, Cricket Australia, Australian Open; was one of the first contestants on the Australian TV show Making it Australia; and has a sculpture as a permanent installation at the Melbourne Museum Biik Milboo Dhumba.

I paint my designs that have been created after working with the clients

Pick me for these projects! :-

I'll sit these ones out :-

Mural 2020
Returning to Well
Footpath Mural 2021
2023 Woollarah Small Scuplture Award Entry
O Fountain Mural 2020
Covered in our Creator
Mural 2021
Sovereign Tree
Private Mural Commission Fitzroy
Sacred Tree of our Songlines
Fulton Hogan Storage Container Mural
Bait and Eliza
Wandering wisdom
Bait and Eliza
Celebration dreaming 2017




Worked with the following major brands:

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