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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings




Member Since

November, 2024

Avg. Response Time

21 minutes

Interviews,Canvas commissions,Live painting events,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals

Total years of experience:

Born in Japan and raised since age 6 in the midwestern US, JUURI did not grow up with an awareness of her heritage… until university. There, along with a large number of Japanese exchange students, she rediscovered the profound beauty of Japanese culture—sparking her mission to share its beauty through her art. JUURI weaves a unique tapestry of Eastern and Western influences, empowered, rather than hampered by her, dual identity. Since 2104 she has transformed 30+ large blank walls all around the US and abroad into vibrant murals. JUURI sees her artwork both as a way to feel closer to her original home, and a bold defense against trend-think and localized perceptions of reality. She hopes her work will serve as a positive show of gratitude to both her countries of origin, seamlessly bridging the past and present for future generations.

I paint my designs that have been created after working with the clients

Pick me for these projects! :-

I'll sit these ones out :-

HIKESHI (Firefighter)
Method Jiu Jitsu Branding Illustration
Strawberry Tears
TANEMAKI (Seed Planting)
Iwanuga Hana / Better Left Unsaid
Heron Maiden
Chikara Plum Tree
First Cherry Blossoms
Heaven & Earth
HIKESHI 2 (Firefighter)
NatureLab TOKYO Illustrations




Worked with the following major brands:

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