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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings




Member Since

August, 2024

Avg. Response Time

34 days

Pillars Of Ivory in United States

Pillars Of Ivory


Arvada,United States


Workshops,Tattoo Design,Interviews,Live painting events,Canvas commissions

Body Painters All Face & Body Artists

Total years of experience:

Very spiritual empath who is learning more and more how to push creativity out of the brain through subconscious right brain drive. The ability to turn off the left brain thought that processes judgement of art in general has given me much pleasure and stress relief. I have always had an inner critic getting in my way, telling me to be perfect with crisp lines and out the gate talent to create. This holds back the process and lets logic, measuring and a want to make a set rule book for ideas, color schemes, and execution's. The whole subconscious mind theory has helped my motor functions as well. Overthinking is a stress inducer and adds pressure to everything, your golf game, social life, and creativity etc... Knowing that you've been here and performed that is all ego driven. So anyway I'm a Colorado local with a background in Graffiti, DIY, gardening, nature, and a general want to seek positive experiences and see the positive force in all living things. Has grown from this knowledge to be motivated to gain more from life and try to promote others to do the same. I'm an old soul with a great love for music and culture which has sparked my interest in Poster creation and collection, historical Sanskrit, sign painting, pin striping, silk screen, architecture and even landscape as new mediums. I'm here in Colorado to stay and would like to make more of a mark than my family who settled in Manitou Springs had.

I can replicate designs if it suits my style

Pick me for these projects! :-

I like walls and canvas mostly. Sign painting and silk screen is very fun and enjoy something new in those mediums too.

I'll sit these ones out :-

The ones with a specific want and look without the artist style involved.

Grand Lake Mural featuring Longs Peak Mountain Range
Single Letter series - R
Single Letter series - I
Company moral builder
Single Letter series - C
The twins
My early years of expression
Single Letter series - E
Wile v The Coyote
Halloween Seasonal


If have been drawing and painting for 20 years now. Mostly I have made or painted art pieces for friends and family gifts to bring out and show case a piece of a loved ones personality.


All city graffiti written in Denver for a decade.


I have only posted art canvas's in coffee shops in the Denver and Boulder surrounding areas.

Worked with the following major brands:

I have painted marketing windows for Blackjack Pizza and Terrapin care station

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