Pricing starts at

Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings






Mosaic Art






Member Since

June, 2024

Avg. Response Time

8 hours

DizzyDreamsDesigns in United States



Oakland,United States


Interviews,Live painting events,Online Workshop,Tattoo Design,Canvas commissions,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals

Product Real Estate Body Painters Face Painters Temporary Tattoo Artists All Face & Body Artists Urban Street Art

Total years of experience:


5 Years

Hi, I’m Francesca and my passion is using my creativity to create art out of the ordinary and seemingly unnecessary “trash” that others discard. Living in Oakland, CA, I used to be saddened by the incredible amounts of abandoned furniture I’d encounter walking my dog every day. I decided to take those “lost” pieces and transform them by breathing style and function back into them! That’s how I feel I can connect with my environment, community and make a positive impact. I’m an artist in every fiber of my being, and I was blessed with my father’s talent in that I am capable of a wide array of art mediums and am very able to teach myself those techniques I’ve not yet had the pleasure of encountering with relative ease. I love teaching myself new skills using the internet! All in all, I adore creating and sharing art of all kinds. I’d be honored to collaborate with you on your next art project!

I do not mind replicating an existing design

Pick me for these projects! :-

I LOVE jobs that have a clear objective and make a difference in the lives and everyday well being of the community around me!

I'll sit these ones out :-

I don’t love jobs working with other artists. I’m a solo artist!

Taylor Swift Eras Tour Piano Inspired Hutch Mural
Trixys Store Window
Taylor Swift Eras Tour Piano Inspired Hutch
Mixed media 3D element mural
More of Dizzy Dreamer
Madame Majika in Progress
Trixys Store Window
Various canvas designs by Francesca
Large abstract mural
Dizzy Dreamer Cont.
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 71
Madame Majika- Completed
Abstract 4 Life
Various hand painted signs by Francesca
Live, laugh, lobotomy
XL Abstract Geographic Mural
Dizzy Dreamer NFT
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 74
Madame Majika
Hand painted signs by Francesca
Graphic designs for print
Mural art by Francesca
Dizzy Dreamer NFT Original Concept by FLD
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 65
Madame Majika
@ The Corner of Abstract & Broadway
Graphic Designs for Print
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 55
Boho wall mural
Paper Cut
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 53
Earthy Murals Around Oakland
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 61
Dream Mural
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 62
Boho Landscape on Wall
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 57
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 56
Francesca, Product , E-Commerce, Photography - 52
Francesca, Product , E-Commerce, Photography - 50
Francesca, Product , Commercial Products, Photography - 45
Francesca, Product , Commercial Products, Photography - 47
Francesca, Product, Photography - 43
Francesca, Product, Photography - 40
Francesca, Product, Photography - 49
Francesca, Product, Photography - 51
Francesca, Product, Photography - 48
Francesca, Product, Photography - 38
Francesca, Product, Photography - 34
Francesca, Product, Photography - 32
Francesca, Product, Photography - 14
Francesca, Product, Photography - 18
Francesca, Product, Photography - 7
Francesca, Product, Photography - 15
Francesca, Product, Photography - 11
Francesca, Product, Photography - 8
Francesca, Product, Photography - 5
Francesca, Product, Photography - 6
Francesca, Product, Photography - 10
Francesca, Product, Photography - 13
Francesca, Product, Photography - 12
Francesca, Product, Photography - 16
Francesca, Product, Photography - 17
Francesca, Product, Photography - 35
Francesca, Product, Photography - 33
Francesca, Product, Photography - 36
Francesca, Product, Photography - 39
Francesca, Product, Photography - 42
Francesca, Product, Photography - 40
Francesca, Product, Photography - 43
Francesca, Product, Photography - 37
Francesca, Product, Photography - 41
Francesca, Product, Photography - 50
Francesca, Product, Photography - 44
Francesca, Product, Photography - 46
Francesca, Product, Photography - 45
Francesca, Product, Photography - 53
Francesca, Product, Photography - 54
Francesca, Product, Photography - 55
Francesca, Product, Photography - 56
Francesca, Product, Photography - 52
Francesca, Product, Photography - 57
Francesca, Product, Photography - 39
Francesca, Product, Photography - 41
Francesca, Product, Photography - 42
Francesca, Product , Commercial Products, Photography - 46
Francesca, Product , Commercial Products, Photography - 44
Francesca, Product , E-Commerce, Photography - 48
Francesca, Product , E-Commerce, Photography - 49
Francesca, Product , E-Commerce, Photography - 51
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 54
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 59
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 58
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 60
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 67
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 63
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 64
Francesca, Family , Lifestyle, Photography - 66
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 72
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 73
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 75
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 76
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 69
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 70
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 68
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 77
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 71
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 74
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 71
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 73
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 78
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 75
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 76
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 79
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 72
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 80
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 77
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 81
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 83
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 85
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 84
Francesca, Family , Pet-Inclusive Family Photography, Photography - 82
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 72
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 73
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 71
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 74
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 77
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 76
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 75
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 72
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 74
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 78
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 73
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 71
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 76
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 79
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 80
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 77
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 82
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 84
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 81
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 86
Francesca, Street Art , Graffiti and Murals, Photography - 90
Francesca, Real Estate , Interior Design, Photography - 71
Francesca, Real Estate , Interior Design, Photography - 76
Francesca, Real Estate , Interior Design, Photography - 74
Francesca, Real Estate , Interior Design, Photography - 72
Francesca, Real Estate , Interior Design, Photography - 75
Francesca, Real Estate , Interior Design, Photography - 77
Francesca, Real Estate , Interior Design, Photography - 79
Francesca, Real Estate , Interior Design, Photography - 73
Francesca, Real Estate , Interior Design, Photography - 80
Francesca, Real Estate , Interior Design, Photography - 78
Francesca, Product , Business Branding, Photography - 85
Francesca, Product , Business Branding, Photography - 88
Francesca, Product , Business Branding, Photography - 87
Francesca, Product , Business Branding, Photography - 84
Francesca, Product , Business Branding, Photography - 89
Francesca, Product , Business Branding, Photography - 86
Francesca, Urban , Cityscapes, Photography - 95
Francesca, Urban , Cityscapes, Photography - 101
Francesca, Urban , Cityscapes, Photography - 100
Francesca, Urban , Cityscapes, Photography - 102
Francesca, Urban , Cityscapes, Photography - 104
Francesca, Urban , Cityscapes, Photography - 103
Francesca, Urban , Cityscapes, Photography - 105
Francesca, Urban, Cityscapes, Photography - 72
Francesca, Urban, Cityscapes, Photography - 71
Francesca, Urban, Cityscapes, Photography - 73
Francesca, Urban, Cityscapes, Photography - 78
Francesca, Urban, Cityscapes, Photography - 79
Francesca, Urban, Cityscapes, Photography - 80
Francesca, Urban, Cityscapes, Photography - 77
Francesca, Urban, Cityscapes, Photography - 76
Francesca, Urban, Street Scenes, Photography - 72
Francesca, Urban, Street Scenes, Photography - 71
Francesca, Product , Commercial Products, Photography - 107
Francesca, Product , Commercial Products, Photography - 108
Francesca, Product , Commercial Products, Photography - 110
Francesca, Product , Commercial Products, Photography - 109
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 71
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 78
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 72
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 73
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 76
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 75
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 79
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 82
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 77
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 74
Francesca, Urban , Photography - 81


I’ve been an artist all my life,   but I’m just now finally finding the confidence in my pieces to put them out there for the world to see. I’m happy to volunteer my art to build a portfolio worth envying! :)


None… yet


None… yet :)

Worked with the following major brands:

The Peanut Shell

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