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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings


Member Since

June, 2024

Avg. Response Time

11 hours

Werm One  in United States

Werm One


Chicago,United States


Canvas commissions

Total years of experience:

Werm is a graffiti artist from chicago . He started painting in 1993. Loved to paint rooftops, water towers , billboards, and trains . He was crowned allcity king on several occasions . Being allcity means having your Name across the whole city and the most . He now does art everyday still , but strictly to support his family . He used to get yelled at by his teachers for drawing on the notebooks in school. He even failed art class . Now he’s a professional artist.

I do not mind replicating an existing design

Pick me for these projects! :-

I'll sit these ones out :-

Chicago Miral
Previous work
Quesabirra Jalisco
Heron Agency Indoor mural project
Transformer mural
Framed print
Fajita factory
Framed prints
Framed prints




Worked with the following major brands:

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