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Mural & Street Art


Member Since

May, 2024

Avg. Response Time

24 days

Johnny Five in United States

Johnny Five


Flint,United States


Workshops,Interviews,Live painting events,Canvas commissions

Total years of experience:

Johnny is known in the art world by his artist’s name, Johnny Five. Born and raised in Flint, Michigan, Johnny developed his love for art when an elementary art teacher encouraged him to pursue art as a career. He started creating robot characters on canvas at a young age inspired by his love of the movie Short Circuit. Presently, Johnny focuses on a photo realism style of portraits and nature images in his murals, but still enjoys putting one of his robots on a wall when the opportunity presents itself. Since his first canvas show at the Flint Institute of Arts in 2006, Johnny has dreamed of sharing his art with the world. In 2018 Johnny saw the opportunity to make his dream come true when a local organization, Flint Public Art Project (FPAP), started installing murals in his hometown. Since joining FPAP Johnny has created his own gallery of murals in Flint and many of its surrounding cities. In 2022, he was invited to paint for the Akumal Art Festival and Residency in Mexico,

I do not mind replicating an existing design

Pick me for these projects! :-

Community projects. I also love painting birds and flowers

I'll sit these ones out :-


Outdoor small Murals
Fence mural
Indoor portraits
Murals by Johnny


Flint Public Art festival artist 2 years in a row. Akumal Art Festival and Residency




Free city mural festival

Worked with the following major brands:

KOBRA paint,   Montana Black and Gold

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