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Canvas Paintings






Sculpture Art


Member Since

May, 2024

Vandal in United States



,United States


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Conceptual Sculptures Contemporary Sculptures Feminine Sculptures Figurative Sculptures Furniture Monumental Sculptures Storied Sculptures Wall Sculptures

Total years of experience:

Alexey was born in 1989 in the small industrial town of Magnitogorsk, Russia. He has since traveled the world, absorbing the influence of numerous cultures and artistic traditions. A self-taught artist, Alexey entered the art scene in the early 2000s, popularizing graffiti culture in places that were not yet ready for it. Under his leadership, numerous graffiti festivals have been organized, bringing together a variety of artists. With experience in both visual art and philosophy, Alexey merges the tactile and the conceptual into a single artistic vision. Education: A self-taught oracle in visual arts, his influences range from graffiti masters to Renaissance virtuosos. Career: Alexey, dubbed the "Interior Vandal," is not just an artist but a philosopher-artist who dares to combine the intuitive with the ethereal. Philosophy and Archetype: Alexey believes that, drawing from Gnostic ideals and Jungian archetypes, every wall contains hidden sacred geometry awaiting activation. The "Vandal" in his title serves as the Trickster, opposing the ordered mundanity of existence and luring the observer into a realm of chaos and creation. Each brushstroke on the canvas aims to resurrect forgotten myths, to thin the veil between worlds, offering glimpses of the supernatural. Artistic Style: Blending the boundaries of classical iconography with the disruptive innovations of neomodernism, Alexey's works explore duality in many of its forms—life and death, materialism and spirituality, strength and vulnerability. Using various materials, from oil paints to aerosol, his works constantly prompt viewers to look beyond the surface, to engage not just with their eyes but also with their soul. Themes and Inspiration: Themes of transcendence, duality, and the complexity of human emotions permeate Alexey's work. He draws inspiration from a variety of sources—from Renaissance paintings and Eastern philosophy to contemporary digital culture. The third eye, a recurring motif in his art, serves as a metaphor for deeper insight and spiritual awakening. While many artists shy away from using strong emotions like greed or awe, Alexey considers them to be crucial elements of the human experience. Signature Style: Bright colors, intricate designs, and a plethora of symbols characterize Alexey's work. From "The Hero's Journey" to "Eternal Return," each painting is an odyssey through archetypal Personal Philosophy: For Alexey, art is a gateway to inner exploration and a catalyst for public discourse. They believe that art should disturb, provoke, and inspire, serving as a mirror for both social and individual self-analysis. Current Projects: Alexey is currently working on three series that delve into the hidden emotional landscapes of everyday objects, once again employing a synthesis of classical forms and modern sensibilities to challenge our perception of the world around us. 1st Collection: "Cranial Echoes: Emotive Resonances in Osseous Art" This captivating collection immerses viewers in the multifaceted realm of the skull, a symbol transcending time and culture. Presented in diverse styles and designs, each depiction goes beyond mere anatomical representation to embody distinct emotions and sentiments. From sorrow to jubilation, from contemplation to defiance, the skulls become mirrors reflecting the breadth of human experience. Far from being macabre, this assembly reshapes our perception of mortality into a rich tapestry of feelings, urging viewers to confront and embrace the myriad emotions that underscore our shared human journey. 2nd Collection: "Liminality: Classical Realms Through Neomodernist Lenses" Description: The "Liminality" collection stands as a testament to the threshold between epochs, bridging the revered world of classical art with the audacious perspectives of neomodernism. Each piece within this assembly does not merely overlay new upon old; it invites a reconsideration, a pause at the crossroads of tradition and innovation. By grafting neomodernist elements onto classical canvases, "Liminality" underscores the transient nature of artistic understanding and the malleable essence of doctrines once deemed unalterable. It challenges viewers to traverse these thresholds, to dwell in the in-between spaces, and to grapple with the dynamic reinterpretation of familiar masterpieces. 3rd Collection: This is a secret collection. Two works are currently completed, but their time has not yet come. Vision: Alexey sees themselves as a Magus with a brush, a modern Bard narrating epics of transformation and enlightenment through color and form. Mission: To turn the alchemical lead of barren spaces into the golden aura of a supernatural experience; to engage the soul and space in a dance of celestial geometry; to provoke emotional and intellectual engagement through the fusion of classic symbols and contemporary motifs. They aim to spark awe, revelation, and other complex feelings by recontextualizing traditional imagery within a modern aesthetic. Quote: Why 'vandal'? 'Tis but a moniker, yet behind it lies a passion most profound. In the confines of homes, where walls wear naught but the pallor of emptiness, I hear their silent pleas. 'Pray, adorn us,' they beseech, 'let us not languish in obscurity.' With canvas, acrylic, and oil, I heed their call, transforming these silent sentinels with tales and hues. So, when thou steppest into a chamber and art greeted by artistry, know that the hand of the 'vandal' hath bestowed upon it a soul. In summary, one can say that Alexey is a multifaceted beacon in the art world—a revolutionary and philosopher striving to shatter the illusory barriers between the mundane and the eternal, between the profane and the sacred. Thus, the time for vandalism has come!

I paint my designs that have been created after working with the clients

Pick me for these projects! :-

I'll sit these ones out :-

Elegy in Relics: Vestiges of Mars
shadow of holiness
"Lepidoptera's Irony
Lush Dominion: The Opulent Gaze
S O U L = "0"
Deep Deep Waters: Emergence from the Abyss
The Euphoric
The Veins of Janus
The Vibrational Imprint




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