You Are Loved - 23 x 165 - 2021
Title: You Are Loved
Size: 23' x 16.5'
For: Street Art Toronto (StART)
Where: Toronto, Ontario
Medium: Latex & Spray
Year: 2021
You Are Loved is part of the Runnymede Underpass Project. Located at the Junction Place Men and Boys Shelter this mural was created in collaboration with the clients of the shelter through an informed workshop engaging the clients on their experiences in the shelter and the different types of elements they felt would best represent their story in the final design.
Elements that were decided upon revolved a lot around colour and the symbolism around certain tones such are Red (representing the root chakra and grounding), Gold & Yellow (representing light and positivity), Green & Blue (for the earth, peace & calm), and Purple (signifying our crown chakra along with strength & prestige). Further representations the clients hoped to see included stability, roses, geese, a dragonfly, a moose and wolves.
The symbolism of the moose and wolf felt very fitting to represent the shelter. Symbolically a moose represents: pride, strength, self-esteem and masculine energy while the wolf signifies: family, friendship, teamwork, and protection. Looking into it further dragonfly symbolism includes transformation and change. As a grouping of animals along with the canadian geese these animal representations rounded a balanced portrayal of the Junction Place, it's clients and the reflections shared by them.