13cm x 13cm
Pencil & Photoshop
SpiderGwen from Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse.
I also can handle inking, watercolours, pencils and of course, Photoshop.
This is one of my examples: e-mail me if you're interested in more of my work :
[email protected]
or visit my webpage:
and my IG:
I always wished to be part of the comic world. I enjoy plotting characters in poses, in action, telling stories. I continuously observe my surroundings, using this as a fundamental tool to express myself through intuition and to bring to life the worlds I’m creating. Another of my main priorities- just sheer clarity, knowing how to view your final work as a whole.
In terms of art education, I studied Fine Arts at the Barcelona UB University, Life Drawing in Reial Cercle Artistic and further Drawing Experiences through the Escola de la Dona.
I practised Life Drawing more than one year in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and passed my Art A-Levels at the British School of Barcelona.
I received positive comments from the greatest and recognised artists such as John Nevarez, Oscar Grillo, Bill Wray (Ren & Stimpy co-creator), John Kricfalusi (Ren & Stimpy), Daniel Ketchum and Chester B. Cebulski (MARVEL) their opinions were expressed through presential meetings.
I currently work at the Asociación Española de Caricaturistas (Spanish Caricaturist Association). My current caricaturist profile:
https://www.facebook.com/A.E.Caricaturistas/photos/a.43748386964 1976/2061752967215050/?type=3&theater
More artwork by Caty
Shelley Duval The Shining
MARVEL SIlhouettes
The Punisher
Remus Lupin
Have an idea in mind?
Post a job and interested artists will be in touch to discuss your project.