Created by

Amÿ artist

Portrait by Amii in Peoria


Charcoal portrait

Meet the Artist

Peoria, United States

More artwork by Amÿ

Mural on walls and furniture
Art heals
The photographer
Pen sketch portrait
Wall murals
Wall muralglow in the dark black light
Suicide prevention
Pet portraits
Acrylic painting
Clay sculpture with metallic glaze
The Contortionist
Awakening mermaid
Lady in the champagne dress
Surreal Iceland
Beauty and the beach
Hydrangea beach
Family Portrait commissioned
My final chocolate
Mermaid at the chalk fair
Too soon departed
Chalk drawing
Family sketch
Hot air balloon
Sip n paint class
Art class
Sculpture and glaze techniques
Painting workshops
Paint class
Final chocolate
Portrait sketch
Too soon departed
Chalk board sketch
Charcoal sketch
Many different font capabilities
Slanted cursive
Calligraphy pen
Fun and colorful
Simple cursive
Rainbow paint palette into hand sculpture
Animal portraits
Moonlight seascape
Pen sketch
Lady in the tree
Colorado woods
I love Lucy show Ethel from I love Lucy show
I longer Lucy
Ricky Ricardo from I love Lucy Ricky Ricardo from I love Lucy
Pet Portrait of Banksy
Family portrait
Wall mural with Havelina family
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