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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings




Chalk Art




Member Since

June, 2022

Avg. Response Time

9 minutes

tams soul stories in Australia

tams soul stories




Workshops,Interviews,Live painting events,Canvas commissions

Total years of experience:

Artist, dancer & storyteller ~ Tams is working hard to return all of the wonderful stories she’s been given in some kind of magical way or another… After ending a professional dance career around the world & moving back to Australia, Tams finds herself listening more than speaking & fumbling day-to-day whilst remembering & creating new Soul Stories. She travels between Melbourne & her hometown Heyfield, connecting with the local community & sharing her healing artwork along the way. Soul Stories are insightful creations that capture the sensitive & vulnerable pieces of your soul. They are written and illustrated from the heart, allowing you to remember how every ingrained & forgotten moment can be turned into something beautiful to feel… Tams sincere hope is that out of the hundreds of stories she has written, perhaps one will reach into your heart & give it a gentle squeeze – that just one will remind you how to feel, & open you up to some of the yummy stuff in life that is so easily forgotten... “When l write these Soul Stories, l honestly feel like I’m pulling out pieces of your essence, mixing them up with the real, the pretend & perhaps even a touch of my own heart & turning them into something beautiful for you to read…”

I can replicate designs if it suits my style

Pick me for these projects! :-

I'll sit these ones out :-

‘Soul Stories Hope’
Show Me
Bluebird Girl
Building Confidence and Trusting your Intuition with Soul Stories
Hard to Forget
‘Soul Stories Hope’
Inner Hum
‘Strength & Beauty’
Soul Stories Self Worth & Confidence Workshop for Children
‘Love & Magic
‘Each Other’
Careless Wrap
‘Light Guide
Intuitive Art Workshop
‘Dancing the Dream’
Soul Stories Triptych
Falling Stars
Golden Ballerina
Intuitive Art Workshop for Children 2021
‘One of Them’
Wildly Beautiful
‘Sisters of the Sea’




Worked with the following major brands:

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