Created by

Kyle artist

Graceful Barn Owl by Rockonedesigns in Milwaukee

Graceful Barn Owl

This sketch is part of my personal collection and was drawn as a means to practice drawing freehand work. The image is of a barn owl with it's wings out looking down at the ground. This piece helped me understand the anatomy of an owl as well as help me practice drawing freehand and work from my own imagination.

Meet the Artist

Milwaukee, United States

More artwork by Kyle

Black Dog portrait
Large colored dog portrait
Family Portrait
There is no ice cream in your future
Mike Tramp Portrait
Duo Dog Portrait
Cat Portrait
Alice Cooper portrait
Dog Portrait
Duo Dog portrait
Lion cat portrait
Duo dog portrait
Smiling dog portrait
Danny Garwood Portrait
Little Kitten and owner
Graduation photo with Stitch
Ripper Owens portrait
Black dog portrait
Dog Painting
Blackie Lawless portrait
Falcon tattoo concept
Falcon Tattoo concept (Final)
Sleestak Head
Buck and Cardinal tattoo concept
Barn Owl Freehand sketch
Barn Owl back tattoo
Night and Day
Sweet Melissa
Green Mane
Study of Blonde
Morgana Ignis portrait
Kimiko Glenn portrait
Blackie Lawless Portrait
Jason Vorhees
Gene Simmons Portrait
Valek sketch
Hand drawn cat portrait
Detailed cat lying on back
Hand drawn cat portrait
Detailed small dog portrait
Hand drawn golden retriever portrait
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