I once went out with the daughter of a ballet-teacher. Before he was teaching his students he was dancing on stage and he had a vast archive of photographs from these shows.
This is one of them. It was originally a black and white photograph, but I re-created it in colours, so that the two characters were better visible.
I like contradictions. Life is full of contradictions. Like yin and yang, my paintings combine these opposites into an overall picture. The rapid application of paint with the spray can and the pause when painting with the brush, the clearly outlined areas of the stencil technique stand next to the merging colors of oil painting. I need these contrasts, because sometimes this fire blazes in me and at the same time I also enjoy the stillness of slowness. All this energy is transferred to my works.
I like to tell stories in my paintings. My focus is on the stories and experiences that can shape and define a personality. The stories I choose and portray connect with the experiences of the viewer. It is an invitation to linger and reflect.
Thus, I capture a meditative mood in my paintings and create works that do not pass like a brief moment. Just like a view from the train window, past which the world rushes and turns on.
More artwork by Nicholas
The sky above Bruno.
Noam Chomskys heavenly mind and ideas.
Larissa with her big brown eyes.
Tree workers in the Ruhr-valley.
Respect, exchange, responsibility.
Sunset at a lake in Zehdenick.
Erich Muehsam memorial Luebeck.
Charles Bukowski on tour in Germany.
Winter Woman.
Dancing in a square.
Wear a mask to be seen and show your face to be identified.
Safety vs. Change.
A-Fence Alexanderplatz
Remembering Pokhara
Just follow your dream.
AMW break room painting
Geiko, the lady of the arts.
Finding my way with the moon.
Charles Adrien Wettach alias Grock - the king of clowns.
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