Tiger by Reinold Mesa Fernández in Milwaukee

Created by

Reinold mesa
Reinold  mesa artist

Tiger by Reinold Mesa Fernández in Milwaukee


The image features a mural painting of a tiger, depicted with a dynamic and vibrant style. The tiger's face fills the frame, providing an intense and immediate impact. The use of bold, expressive strokes and a rich palette of colors enhances the tiger's fierce and majestic presence. Shades of orange, yellow, and black define the tiger's striped fur, while striking green eyes capture the viewer's attention, conveying the animal's wild and piercing gaze. Visually, the mural utilizes a slightly abstract approach to capture the essence and vitality of the tiger. The colors are vivid, emphasizing the powerful features of the tiger and bringing a sense of life and energy to the artwork. The brushwork is loose, adding a sense of movement and fluidity to the tiger's fur, making the image appear as though it is almost in motion. Conceptually, this mural might serve multiple purposes. It could be an artistic tribute to the beauty and strength of wildlife, particularly tigers, which are often symbols of power and independence in many cultures. Alternatively, the mural could be seen as a statement on conservation, drawing attention to the tiger as an endangered species and promoting awareness of wildlife preservation.

Meet the Artist

Reinold mesa
Milwaukee, United States

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