The key of the freedom by Reinold Mesa Fernández in Milwaukee

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Reinold mesa
Reinold  mesa artist

The key of the freedom by Reinold Mesa Fernández in Milwaukee

The key of the freedom

The image features a creative and surreal design where the head of a human figure is replaced by a blue bird cage. The cage is suspended from a horizontal wooden pole, similar to how it would be hung in a home, with a colorful key hanging from a string on one side. The figure wears an elegant purple suit with white star motifs, and a white bow complements the outfit, evoking a formal and distinguished air. Visually, this illustration plays with the idea of freedom and restraint. The open cage possibly symbolizes open-mindedness or freedom of thought which contrasts with the conventional depiction of a cage as confinement. The dangling key suggests that liberation from mental or spiritual limitations is attainable and within the figure's reach. Conceptually, the work may explore themes of personal identity and social or psychological limitations. The choice of elegant clothing could indicate how social expectations shape and sometimes restrict our true nature or thoughts.

Meet the Artist

Reinold mesa
Milwaukee, United States

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