Orphic by Sarah McComb-Turbitt in Owen Sound

Created by

Sarah artist

Orphic by Sarah McComb-Turbitt in Owen Sound


You see the vast ocean stretch before you, and a haunting melody fills your ears. In a heart-stopping moment, a behemoth of grace and power emerges from the blue. Orphic, meaning 'beyond ordinary understanding,' was created as an ode to these majestic beings' profound complexity and enigmatic ways. From the haunting melodies of their songs to their intricate social, whales possess a depth of intelligence and emotional complexity that challenges our conventional notions of animal behaviour. Their existence in the vast expanse of the ocean, a realm largely unexplored and still shrouded in mystery, adds to their mystique. Despite decades of study, much of their communication and social interactions remain a mystery, leaving us to marvel at the depths of their communication and social bonds. Moreover, their role in shaping marine ecosystems and maintaining the delicate balance of oceanic life underscores their importance beyond mere physical presence as stewards and protectors of the seas.

Availability : Available

Medium : acrylic paint

Collection : animals

Size: 40in (W) X 60in (H)

Price: $14,400

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Owen Sound, Canada

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