Created by

Brigetta artist

Nomad Yoga by null in Toronto

Nomad Yoga

I painted this with latex and acrylic paints for the main practice space at Normad Yoga Cafe in Hoi An, Vietnam. I proposed this mural to the owners after I completed painting the lockers they had comissioned me for. I incorporated their logo into the design, and painted some abstract swirls of energy around the seated figure. I was inspired by my own yoga practice, and the act of choosing a spot on the wall to focus during balance pose. This stippling technique continues on all 3 walls in this indoor/outdoor practice room.

Meet the Artist

Toronto, Canada

More artwork by Brigetta

Moth at the Lost and Found
Soul Santuary
Chitty Chitty Buick
Human on a Rock
On the Moss Stage
Marbles and I
When I felt Proud
Self in Blue
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