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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings






Member Since

February, 2022

Avg. Response Time

8 hours

Marinolarrique in United States



New York,United States


Interviews,Workshops,Canvas commissions,Live painting events,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals

Total years of experience:


10 Years

I was born and raised into an art gallery. My practice focuses on enhancing the outdoor space of different communities while doing it in the most holistic manner. I consider to have a special way to see things through and then translate it into a wide variety of mediums from digital to physical and vice versa. Working with different communities and give them back is what I love to do, is what brings a smile to my face. Always open, exploring into new ways of expression in order to constantly evolve, spreading the word stroke after stroke, developing a stronger network who supports my public art projects, interacting with different communities and organizations. Bringing customized artworks in the most holistic way. Through the years I have developed my own style which I refer as "dotting", that is similar to impressionism and pointillism by using brushes and rolls, but as a result of a digital approach; working across several surfaces and using the three-dimensionality from each project on favor of the artwork. This approach and style has allowed me to create a wide variety of projects, involving live performances, solo exhibitions, and large scale murals across the east coast of USA as well as parts of Europe and South America, always by working closely with the communities that supports it. In 2021, I had the privilege of being selected the winner of a Miami Beach public contest in order to create the first large scale mural in the heart of South Beach, a tribute mural portraying 5 celebrities across a two story building (4,000 sq/ft). Giving me the experience of handling heavy equipment over a densely populated pedestrian walk in Washington Ave for 9 weeks, performing over a 560 hours of pure brush and rolls.

I do not mind replicating an existing design

Pick me for these projects! :-

I love to create community murals.

I'll sit these ones out :-

Those jobs I can not express my art through my style.

A Wave From the Past
From heart
The kitchen is open Brickell
A Wave From the Past
Welcome to Hallandale
The oven is on
Welcome to the Swamp
Deforest Lynxes
The kitchen is open Hialeah
The Fish
Welcome to the Swamp
Jelly bags
Grazianos Market Coral Gables menu
The Dragon
The Baltimore we want to see
Plastic sea wolf
Breakfast & coffee menu
The Rose
Montevideo as a Model City 02
Campbells House
We deliver


Examples of working with different communities:

2021: Miami Beach,   U.S.A. A wave from the past,   mural tribute to those celebrities that contribute with the identity of Miami Beach in the Twenty Century; in order to recover a long time burn building in the heart of South Beach in Miami. Featuring Jayne Mansfield,   Gianni Versace,   Muhammad Ali,   Jackie Gleason,   and Prince.

2020,   Miami,   U.S.A. Been selected by Act+Action “Come To Your Census” Billboard Campaign,   powered by The Ford Fundation,   to design the artwork for one of the billboards in Miami,   Florida,   in order to boost the engagement with the community. Artwork: “From heart”

2018,   Miami,   U.S.A. Hired by Facebook to represent the Miamian vibe and spirit during the Facebook community boost. The wide format artwork (6’x12’),   after been exhibited during the whole duration of the event,   it was donated to a local charity for it to enjoy it. Artwork: “We hear you”

2017: Milan,   Italy. Been selected to represent Uruguay among other international artists to participate of a Live Painting exhibition and a permanent adquisition of the final artwork by M.A.F. (Aqua Franca Museum) under the slogan “Purity”
Artwork: Interpretation #161: Nature’s water filter.

2016,   Baltimore,   U.S.A. ART@WORK: Summer Art Program,   Been hired By B.O.P.A. (Baltimore Office of Promotions and the Arts) and Jubilee Arts to lead a group of youths of the community in order to design,   present,   and install a large scale public art project in Upton neighborhood.

2012,   Montevideo,   Uruguay. Pro bono mural in order to improve a Public High School's facades (Zorrilla High School) in an educational,   social and artistic way. The main goal of this art work was to stop the vandalism and to beautify the area,   and so far,   it has exceeded the expectations. Its design represents a detailed and positive way of seen this city (the city of which I have growed up) in a near future.

Artistic skills:
Drawing,   painting,   illustration,   graphic design,   photography,   portraits,   muralism,   symbolism.
Computer skills:
Language skills:
English,   spanish,   portuguese

Teaching background:
2016: ART@WORK,   Summer Art Program,   Baltimore,   by leading and teaching a group of 8 youths and two assistants how to design (2 weeks) and install (3 weeks) 15 murals in 5 weeks.
2007-2011: Uruguay,  Painting,   mostly with young art students who want to improve
themselves. I have patience and prefer to teach by the example and this
approach has been successful with all my past students.


Movement created in order to generate awareness about the littering in the street by exposing and promoting exemplary actions by the city user,   and inviting them to a "plogg time",   aiming to change one of the most common problems in our cities.


2020: Art+Action Billboard Census Campaign,   Miami Fl. Powered by The Ford Fundation,   selected
among five other artists to display artworks on billboards across Florida promoting the 2020 Census.


2021: Mural Contest Winner - A wave from the past - Mural tribute to those celebrities that contribute with the identity of Miami Beach in the Twenty Century. Featuring Jayne Mansfield,   Gianni Versace,   Muhammad Ali,   Jackie Gleason,   and Prince.
2014: Special mention in painting - Interpretation #91 - “The bearded superheroes to the rescue...”
Art Fest @ Doral presented by Rotary Club. Miami - E.E.U.U.
2013: First Prize - For a cleaner world - Goes Inhabit mural contest- 4th edition.
2009: Intendencia Municipal de Soriano Award -“la visita” (“the visit”).
2° Painting Contest ISUSA.
2008: Third Finalist - Qualified to participate at the International contest held in Alicante,   Spain - “mirame” - (“look at me”). MIRADAS,   Tercera Bienal Nacional de Pintura.
2007: First Award - Painting - “esperando la comida” (“awaiting the food”)
Salón Leonístico del Uruguay.
2005: Maritime School Award - “homenaje” (“tribute”). National Maritime Painting Contest.

Architecture: (group performance)
2012: Third prize. Architectural National Competition for the realization of new building of the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and its urban environment.
2007: Third prize – [extrude] N.H.U.C. 2007
2006: Honorable mention - Barcode House. National Housing University Competition (N.H.U.C.) 2006.

Animation: (group performance)
2011: Selected among the ten best short films for national broadcast.
Audiovisual Marathon 6D - “MATINEE“ URL:


2020: Art+Action billboard Census Campaign,   Miami Fl.
2019: “BAM” Brewing Art Miami,   Little River,   Miami,   Fl.
2019: Art Bousa Kick off Basel Week,   live painting exhibition,   Little River,   Miami,   Fl.
2019: “We Pop” Pop art exhibition,   We Work,   Coral Gables,   Mami,   Fl.
2018: W Hotel Fort Lauderdale,   Live Painting exhibition,   Fort Lauderdale,   FL.
2018: Facebook Community Boost,   James L. King Center,   Miami,   Fl.
2018: “True Colors”,   Group Exhibition,   Artserve,   Fort Lauderdale,   FL.
2018: “RED EYE BEYOND”,   Group Exhibition,   Artserve,   Fort Lauderdale,   FL.
2018: “Noche Mágica”,   Group Exhibition,   Hotel Doubletree,   Downtown Miami,   FL.
2018: Biannual Art Exhibition,   Group Exhibition,   409 Gallery,   Hallendel Beach,   FL.
2018: “Del Río De Los Pájaros Pintados”,   Group Exhibition,   El Bunker,   Miami,   FL.
2017: Spectrum and Red Dot Art Show,   Art Basel week,   Miami,   FL.
2017: “Artist for Export”,   Group Exhibition,   Uruguayan Embassy in Paris,   France
2017: Museo Acqua Franca. Permanent exhibition International Live Painting Event,   Depuratore Nosedo,   Milan,   Italy
2017: Hebrew Senor Life. Solo Live Painting Event,   The breakers Hotel,   Palm Beach,   FL.
2017: “Color Synthesis”,   at Village Design Art Gallery,   600 breakers Ave,   Fort Lauderdale,   FL.
2016: “Miami River Art Fair”,   Art Basel week,   at Miami Convention Center,   Miami,   FL.
2016: “Holyday BZZZAAR”,   at HIVE Artspace,   York,   PA.
2016: “100 for 100”,   at Creative York,   York,   PA.
2016: “Miniature Art Exhibit”,   at HIVE Artspace,   York,   PA.
2016: “The Coral Gables Hispanic Cultural Festival”,   Coral Gables,   FL.
2016: “La Luz de la Gente” at Creative York,   York,   PA.
2016: “12ht Uruguayan Exhibition in South Fl.”,   at Robert King Park,   Miami,   FL.
2014: “Art Fest @ Doral” at Carlos Albizu University. Doral,   FL.
2012: Solo exhibition,   at Unilatina International College. Miramar,   FL.
2012: "Hispanic Heritage" at Elite Fine Art Galleries. Miami,   FL.
2012: "Tendencies" at Elite Fine Art Galleries,   Wynwood District. Miami,   FL.
2012: "International Summer Arts Festival" in MOA (Museum of the Americas). Miami,   FL.
2012: "Dallas Award" en SoDeVis (Society for the development of the visual arts Studio Gallery),   Frisco,   TX.
2008: Solo exhibition,   “TECNICAMENTE” (“Technically”) at Municipal Hospital Maciel. URY
2007: Solo exhibition,   “realidades...” (“realities”) at cultural space Otros Años. URY
1997 / 1998: Group,   under the aegis of Master Sergio Curto. URY

Worked with the following major brands:

Facebook,   Ford Foundation.

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