Created by

Bronwyn artist

Mandarwyn Season by Bronwyn Made This in Toowoomba

Mandarwyn Season

After moving to Toowoomba, I was committed to the idea of growing my own produce at home, becoming one with the land, being self sufficient... unfortunately my not so green thumb meant forgetting to water plants, accidentally knocking them over or killing them. That is, except, for the mandarin tree, which has somehow thrived and last season produced over 50kg of fruit. Not entirely sure what to do with 50kg of mandarins, I pawned them off to whoever would take them, learnt to make Marmalade, and earned myself the nickname Mandarwyn. As I came to the end of the season, I decided to capture the humbling experience through a lino print, carving in some of the fruit that have become synonymous with my self identity.

Availability: Available

Medium: Mixed media

Collection: Abstract, Still life

Size: 4in (W) X 6in (H)

Price: $40

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Meet the Artist

Toowoomba, Australia

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