At the age of eighteen, Joshua moved away from his home town in North Idaho to Portland, Oregon. It’s within this city he realized the potential of his creativity and passion to move forward diligently and passionately. During this time he found inspiration to create himself. One canvas and some paint from a local craft store was all that was needed to find what was missing. At the age of nineteen, he found his first mural gig on craigslist, the beginning of a new career.
Joshua Martel has now painted murals in every corner of the United States of America, running his own business called “Oowah Zoo.” He’s spent time practicing different mediums and different styles in order to work seamlessly in different environments. Now Joshua has adapted skills into acrylic, oil, and aerosol. Mixing mediums to create diverse styles that are adapted to canvas and murals, Joshua has the ability to encompass regional designs that create a stronger sense of locality within communities.
Inspiration derives from everyday life, nature, and a better way of moving through the present. Joshua plans to use his artwork, words, and curiosity to explore the depths of this experience we refer to as life as well as influence a higher sense of pride to folks surrounding.
More artwork by Joshua
Symbolum #2
Symbolum #2
Vita Mors
Flowers of Mine
Guilded Raccoon
Mother Omnia
Have an idea in mind?
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