Goddess Maat & her Truth Feather by Doran DaDa in Berkeley

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Doran  artist

Goddess Maat & her Truth Feather by Doran DaDa in Berkeley

Goddess Maat & her Truth Feather

2021, 35.5 x 23.5 inches. A painting of Goddess Ma'at and her feather of truth to be used at the time of judgement. In ancient kemetic Egypt she was the law of the land. Her 42 laws stood above man as the divine laws from the Gods. She represented truth, justice, morality and the correct order of balance in the universe. I painted Ma'at to channel her sacred force to help guide us out of the corrupt and unjust systems we now live under. No justice, No peace. It's her feather that will be weighed against your heart when your time comes up in front of the creator.

Availability : Available

Medium : acrylic paint

Collection : abstract,fantasy,nature,people,pop


Price: $1,500

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Not accepted. See Return Policy

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Berkeley, United States

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