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Mural & Street Art


Canvas Paintings




Member Since

February, 2023

Avg. Response Time

2 hours

Melisa Nocelli in Canada

Melisa Nocelli




Canvas commissions,Custom designs for wallpapers or decals,Live painting events

Total years of experience:

Hello everyone! I'm Melisa, muralist and illustrator from Argentina living in Spain. I studied Fine Arts and now doing a Master in Illustration. In the meantime, I've had the incredible opportunity to work on various mural projects around the world, including collaborations with hostels and Starbucks. It has been truly rewarding to bring my artistic vision to life in these spaces. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this artistic community. It's truly wonderful to have a platform where I can share my passion with others, connect with amazing people, and hopefully even find new work opportunities. I would absolutely love to create murals in public spaces or collaborate with local brands by designing artworks or modernising the visual identity of cafes, restaurants, hotels, or stores. If you believe that my skills align with your needs, please don't hesitate to reach out. I would be thrilled to work with you and create something truly amazing. Thank you all for your support, and here's to a fantastic journey together! Cheers! Melisa

I can replicate designs if it suits my style

Pick me for these projects! :-

I love doing murals indoors and outdoors. I enjoy this last one even more, since the fact of working in open spaces and being able to paint a wall and embellish it for the neighborhood to enjoy seems very gratifying to me. I also like collaborating with entrepreneurs or local brands and being able to promote them through art so that they can reach a bigger audience. I love making illustrations that cointains some significant message. I also really enjoy working with recycled materials such as objects, furniture or clothing. The fact of being able to reuse an element and give it a new use it’s quite a creative challenge.

I'll sit these ones out :-

I don’t love working in projects that the theme is not related with my ideals and also don’t enjoy working with people that just want to copy a design from internet

Starbucks Invercargill
Wine label design
New Zealand where wildlife matters
Parakore Honey Mural
Starbucks Indoor Mural
Surreal night
Starbucks Outdoor Mural
Botanical wall
Parrot couple
Monstera wall
Keep growing
New Zealand map



One of the ten winners of NATURE MURAL CONTEST called “Keep New Zealand Beautiful”


Worked with the following major brands:


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