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Nicholas artist

Finding my way with the moon. by Keinom in Berlin

Finding my way with the moon.

How do you find your way through the darkness that sometimes overtakes human life? Perhaps we follow the moon, which reflects the sunlight and leads us to the next day. I found the old map in an antiquarian bookshop in Zossen near Berlin. I collect old papers, documents and newspapers to use in my pictures. The work is part of a series of portraits of women that I combine with graphic elements and old documents. Material: Oil and acrylic paint and antique map from 1927 on wood.

Availability: Available

Medium: Acrylic paint, Oil paint, Mixed media, Other media

Collection: People

Size: 48cm (W) X 38cm (H)

Price: €866

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Meet the Artist

Berlin, Germany

More artwork by Nicholas

The sky above Bruno.
Noam Chomskys heavenly mind and ideas.
Larissa with her big brown eyes.
Tree workers in the Ruhr-valley.
Respect, exchange, responsibility.
Sunset at a lake in Zehdenick.
Erich Muehsam memorial Luebeck.
Charles Bukowski on tour in Germany.
Ballet characters.
Winter Woman.
Dancing in a square.
Wear a mask to be seen and show your face to be identified.
Safety vs. Change.
A-Fence Alexanderplatz
Remembering Pokhara
Just follow your dream.
AMW break room painting
Geiko, the lady of the arts.
Charles Adrien Wettach alias Grock - the king of clowns.
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