Created by

Seth artist

Emerge by YOTZART in Listowel


Painting flowers is a lot of fun, especially when you freehand them and have no references. Working from imagination based off past experiences is really intriguing. I freehanded this flower during a live paint battler called “Brush Off” where a multitude of artists were split into two different paint times, where the crowd would vote to move the winning Artists on to the next round in a 30min brush off. I unfortunately didn’t finish my painting and my friends purchased what I ended up doing during the competition. Since it was incomplete they gave it to me to finish. This painting is about pushing yourself, coming from a dark past and emerging into something beautiful while you keep your eyes on the prize.

Availability: Sold

Medium: Acrylic paint

Collection: Nature, Abstract

Size: 18in (W) X 18in (H)

Price: $5

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Not accepted. See Return Policy

Meet the Artist

Listowel, Canada

More artwork by Seth

Funghi Illustration
Birds Of A Feather
Bouquet of flowers
Floral work 2
Who let the Dog Out
Album Cover
Melting Smiles
Skull Head in Helmet
Human Volcano
Maple Leaf
New Beginnings
Urban Exploration
Onward Bound
Fuego para Jesus
Where the Funguy Grows
Mixed MediA
Self portrait
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