Boys Hope Girls Hope
East View
This view represents the stages of progress and development each child receives as part of the Boys Hope Girls Hope family. From left to right, we see children growing up, being educated, and graduating, ready to “unlock” their futures. With mentorship, and a safe and supportive environment, BHGH transforms at risk children into strong, independent, and successful adults, who are ready to face the world.
West View
This idyllic scene celebrates the area’s rich history as a center of commerce and boatbuilding throughout the 19th century. Prior to 1855, this area was known as Fulton (named for Robert Fulton, the inventor of the steamboat), and had emerged as one of the busiest boatbuilding centers along the country’s interior waterways. Multiple boatyards maintained a reputation known the world over for producing vessels of the highest level of craftsmanship and elegance.
Designed by Andrew Neyer. I worked on this lenticular design, painted on metal panels, as an apprentice.