The Strelitzia, colloquially known as the ‘Birds of Paradise’ flower is a distinctive and unique species of perennial plant, originally native to South Africa but now found widely across Australia.
The plant is commonly referred to as ‘Birds of Paradise’ due to the resemblance of its flowers to the Bird of Paradise bird species which originate from Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and select parts of Eastern Australia. The male birds are best known for their colourful plumage of orange feathers extending from its body.
My artwork features one of these birds perching atop of a flower of the birds of paradise plant. I think that the similar looking flora and fauna create an in interesting visual design when placed together as their likeness is commonly referred to but is rarely seen together within a natural context.
The artwork aims to educate the viewer about the introduced species and its name origins, and on a deeper level references the multicultural background of Australia as a whole.
Hi, my name is Siobhan and I am a Brisbane based artist, illustrator and designer. I work under the nickname Shaveen Kateleen as my Irish Gaelic birth name is frequently misspelt and mispronounced (if you haven’t come across it before, it’s is pronounced “sha-vawn”).
I am a professionally trained creative with a Bachelor of Creative Industries and Diploma of Graphic Design. Whilst I love designing, at times I often consider myself a bit more of an artist than a designer as I love to do things a bit differently and to think outside the box.
I am a lover of animals, nature, bright colours and loud patterns and like to combine elements of realism and pop art to create fun and attention-grabbing artworks. I have always loved painting and creating from a young age, on the weekends I host paint and sip classes and within the last couple of years I have developed a particular interest in painting larger scale outdoor murals.
More artwork by Siobhan
Wiradjuri Dreaming
Welcome to the Big Top
Lara & Heidi
Carmels Tram
Carmels Tram
Clown Illustration
Circus Illustration
Year of the Tiger
Alexs Ferrari
Dandelion Kaleidoscope
Tropical Vibes
Year of the Rabbit
Year of the Dragon
Yo Chi Bear - Robina
Yo Chi Bear - Newstead
Calvary Kids
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