Welcome to my site. I am a visual artist now based in Melbourne Australia after a lifetime of traveling and living all over the world- Australia, Indonesia, California, Canada, and briefly Japan. To me home is wherever I am.
My art is an exploration of the world, mainly its plants and creatures, as well a dissection of my own mind. All my work has a meaning and is based on what I have discovered thanks to my love of falling down the rabbit hole of scientific journals. I try to connect the human existence, as I experience it, to the workings of nature as I usually have a different thought track to that of other people.
I originally started studying psychology at university but always found myself drawn back to my love of art. I have been sculpting since I was 5 years old, in fact my parents house is full of my ceramic creations, most of which have tiny elements that I meticulously molded. My love of tiny features has now evolved into my illustrations and paintings however I still create small sculptures that I sell online as Dear Creature Studios. To me my illustrations, paintings and prints are versions of myself that are quite personal whereas my sculptures take me back to my inner child and so feel as a separate from of creation.
I studied psychology at UBC Vancouver and sculpture and installation at OCADU in Toronto Ontario. I have sold many of my artworks in Vancouver, Canada and Australia. I have exhibited at Beaver Hall Gallery in Toronto and The Walker Street Gallery & Arts Centre. I hope to exhibit more but my shy nature and odd dislike of documenting my work seem to get in the way.
More artwork by Andrea
The Void
Peachy babe
My dear
Arrow there
Rose Pose
Strawberry skulls
Ocean floor skull
Beetle 1
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