Luciana's artistic expression revolves around using the hands in a masterful, skillful ways to transmute energy across mediums, particularly through natural materials. She is a painter (murals and canvas), a sculptor, and digital 3D, WebVR and WebAR art designer, and line-dot illustrator; she intersects her talents in simple yet provocative ways to tell a worthwhile story. Mixed media on murals is also possible.
Luciana runs her own art practice aLaLuce, founder and director of multi-dimensional experiences, research and strategic frameworks, and art concepts. She is an engineer by trade of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, from the aerospace factory floor, to the design and prototyping lab, to the creative technology and art an artist of all sorts, having performance, singing and songwriting, composing, painting and sculpting core to her authentic expression since a young age. Finally she is also a quantum healing hypnotist, where she helps others find answers for the human lifetime they are in through accessing information from the deep trance state, from the deepest part of the Subconscious. You may guess by now, she does not work in a box, and her drive to draw compelling stories interweaving mindsets and disciplines propels audiences from both worlds of tech/science in harmony with art and soul. Her investigative research work and writing style bridge those worlds and words in such a way that depicts various lenses of understanding human behavior on Earth. She does it from a voice of curiosity and play, while still activating change, with both charge and cherish.
She is based in Brooklyn, NY.
More artwork by Luciana
Ragannes Rhythm
Ragannes Rhythm
Torso Sculptures
Augmented Reality Indoor Mural
Art Studio Mixed medium Mural
Coffee Spill
Umm in a Quantum Cave
Void, The Entrance
Constitution Flower
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