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Haley artist

Appalachian Trail Maps (2023-2024) by Haley Schulz in Madrid

Appalachian Trail Maps (2023-2024)

Book: A Talk in the Woods by Cary Segall; Edited by Terry Shelton I’m thrilled to announce that “A Talk in the Woods: Voices Along the Appalchian Trail” by Cary Segall is officially on the shelves, featuring six map illustrations by yours truly @haleyum_art ! 🎉 • After completing my own through hike in Patagonia two years ago, which culminated in Eric’s and my engagement, our Madison neighbor Cary Segall approached me with an exciting project: illustrating maps for his upcoming book on the Appalachian Trail. • Cary Segall, an award-winning reporter, spent years hiking and revisiting the AT, engaging in conversations with hundreds of fascinating people along the way. His remarkable ability to capture these trail-side chats has resulted in a captivating narrative. The Appalachian Trail is known for its stunning nature and physical challenges, but Cary’s story highlights the unforgettable memories of the people you meet along the way. • Speaking of technical challenges, the project was an excellent learning experience. The maps are stylized, but we aimed for a high level of accuracy and precision. I spent time cross-referencing digital and physical maps and trail guides—something quite rare in 2024!

Meet the Artist

Madrid, Spain

More artwork by Haley

Frieda Soul Brand Logo
Jungle Juice Cafe Branding
Birds on a Wire Picture Book Illustration
Pride Babe
Orange Lipstick
Nature Magazine Submission - Genentech
Woman in the Cafe
Mushroom Hat
Daisy Girl with Cherry Earrings
Climate Positive Transportation (2023, Digital)
Advocacy Solutions for Climate Change (2024)
Scaling Care Innovations in Africa
Boho Chic (2024)
Sunset Cocktail (2024)
Mushroom Ladies
Mid Century Hibiscus Modern Flower Design
Milkweed and Monarch
Custom Illustrated Map of Hospitality Property
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