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Mural & Street Art




Member Since

March, 2023

Avg. Response Time

18 hours

Natasha  in United Kingdom



Edinburgh,United Kingdom


Custom designs for wallpapers or decals,Workshops

Total years of experience:

HI! I'm an Edinburgh based artist specialising in murals and Illustration. I have worked across Britain and internationally, in a range of settings from public parks, hospitals and festivals to restaurants and private homes. My work is often illustrative, intricate, patterned and imaginative. I am particularly interesting in making work based on the natural world , whether that be animals, botanical forms or landscapes. I love learning about these different subjects and collaborating with my clients in order to develop designs that tell stories and enliven environments. I always look to tailor my designs to specific spaces and select and develop techniques to respond to different spaces and their uses. This could be through designing compositions or selecting colour palates that aim to enhance the feel of different spaces, or through selecting specific materials relevant to each job. For instance in a project with the RSPB which involved painting onto exterior sandstone, I selected breathable paints that would support the longevity of the building. When working in hospital environments I've researched and selected paints and digital vinyls to suit heavy duty cleaning, and when creating temporary graphic facades for shop holders I worked with a screen printed and pasted technique.

I paint my designs that have been created after working with the clients

Pick me for these projects! :-

I love jobs where I get to collaborate with my client and respond to specific spaces and architecture in order to develop a new design that responds to a particular space or purpose. I particularly enjoy opportunities to make work based around nature or pattern and to be able to integrate research into this into my designs. In addition, I enjoy being able to make work that can be found in public spaces and that is widely accessible.

I'll sit these ones out :-

I don't love working in very cold winter conditions outdoors! My hands don't work properly.

Endless Plant Container Mural
NIght and Day
Swift Mural for RSPB
Parrot ride
Madelvic Mural central panel
Bass rock
swift mural detail
detail from Spring Menu
Whales Rivers
solent wildlife
Madelvic Mural full series
Cyclists Mural Detail
Seven Hills - Interior Mural
Lamp Surrounding
Hill reflection
madelvic mural detail
Local Geology - bathroom feature walls




Worked with the following major brands:

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