Mural art, also known as wall art or mural painting, offers several benefits, both to the artists creating them and to the communities in which they are displayed. As our love of street and mural art continues to grow, studies are beginning to highlight the benefits of mural art in our communities. Part of the Asphalt Art Safety study revealed areas of cities with murals saw a 50% drop in crashes involving pedestrians or cyclists. Parts of cities with murals saw a 50% drop in crashes involving pedestrians or cyclists, a nearly 40% drop in crashes leading to injuries and a nearly 30% increase in the rate of drivers yielding to pedestrians [credit]. Murals encourage people to slow down and smell the roses.

So, what are the other benefits of mural art?

1. Aesthetics and Visual Appeal: Mural art can significantly enhance the aesthetics of your property, making it visually appealing. Studies have shown that pleasing visual environments can positively impact people’s mood, reduce stress levels, and improve overall well-being. Data supports the notion that visually pleasing surroundings can contribute to increased satisfaction and a positive perception of the property.

benefits of mural art
Commission mural art by Ida, Glasgow.

2. Increased Property Value: An attractive mural can potentially increase the value of your property. Research in the real estate field suggests that improving the visual appeal of a property, such as through murals or other art installations, can positively influence property value. Additionally, a unique and eye-catching mural can make your property stand out from others, potentially attracting more potential buyers or renters.

Commission mural art by Jesse, Auckland.

3. Tourism and Local Economy: In some cases, large-scale murals or street art can become tourist attractions. These murals can draw visitors to a particular neighbourhood or area, leading to increased foot traffic and potential economic benefits for local businesses. Such revitalisation of areas through art has been observed in various cities around the world, helping to boost tourism and supporting local economies.

benefits of mural art
Commission mural art by Katie, Manchester.

4. Community Engagement and Identity: Murals can serve as a means of expressing local culture, history, and identity. Community engagement with mural art can foster a sense of pride, belonging, and ownership among residents. Studies have shown that community involvement and attachment contribute to improved quality of life, social cohesion, and increased community resilience. A 2018 London-based survey found that 84% of respondents believed participating in public art projects benefited their well-being.

Commission a mural by Shawn, Melbourne.

5. Social Media Visibility and Branding: Murals that are visually striking or carry a specific message can gain attention on social media platforms. Visitors and passersby often capture and share photos of interesting murals, amplifying their visibility. If you own a business or operate in a commercial space, a well-designed mural can serve as a branding tool, creating a distinctive image for your company and potentially attracting a larger online following.

benefits of mural art
Commission a mural by Vanessa, New York.

6. Deterrence of Illegal Activities: Mural art can transform previously neglected or vandalised spaces into visually appealing and well-maintained areas. By occupying and revitalising public spaces, murals may discourage criminal activities such as graffiti, vandalism, and other forms of antisocial behavior. The presence of artwork can give the impression that the area is cared for and monitored, potentially deterring criminal elements.

Commission a mural by Koco, Denver.

7. Increased Surveillance: Murals can attract more foot traffic and visitors to an area, increasing natural surveillance. When more people are present in public spaces, there is a higher likelihood that suspicious activities will be observed and reported to authorities. This increased surveillance can contribute to a safer environment by deterring potential criminal behaviour and facilitating quicker response times to incidents.

benefits of mural art
Commission a mural by Caitriona, Brisbane.

8. Safety: The presence of vibrant and visually appealing murals can create a perception of safety and improve the overall atmosphere of an area. Studies have shown that well-maintained and attractive environments can positively impact people’s perception of safety and reduce fear of crime. When people feel safer in a neighbourhood, they are more likely to engage in outdoor activities, fostering a sense of community and further enhancing safety.

Commission a mural by Paul, London.