
Welcome to the vibrant world of Corporate Art Workshops! At Book An Artist, we’re passionate about bringing a splash of creativity into the corporate setting. Imagine a space where your employees can break away from their daily grind and dive into a world of colors, shapes, and textures. Our art workshops are not just events; they are a journey into creativity, collaboration, and relaxation.

Why Corporate Art Workshops?

Picture this: your team, laughing and painting together, or shaping a piece of clay into something beautiful. These are moments where magic happens – away from the desk, yet still building skills that matter. Our workshops focus on activities ranging from painting to digital art, each led by professional artists who know just how to spark that creative flame.

Team Building with a Twist: Forget the usual team-building exercises. Our art workshops are where your employees collaborate in a unique way. They’ll work together on group projects, enhancing their communication skills and forging stronger bonds. It’s teamwork, but with a lot more fun and colors!

Learning that’s Fun: Every workshop is a chance for your team to learn something new – a new way to think, a new skill to develop. It’s empowering and refreshing, taking them away from the usual work-related tasks and into a world where creativity reigns supreme.


Stress? What Stress?: Art has this incredible power to soothe and relax. Our workshops offer your employees a therapeutic escape from the pressures of work, boosting their mental well-being and, in turn, their productivity at work.

Unleashing Creativity: Engaging in art not only brightens the mood but also opens up new ways of thinking. Your employees will return to their desks with a refreshed, innovative perspective, ready to tackle challenges in new and creative ways.

Cultural Appreciation and Diversity: Art is a universal language. Our workshops can be a melting pot of cultures, offering a glimpse into different artistic traditions and perspectives, enriching your team’s experience and understanding.

Tailored Just for You: At Book An Artist, we understand that one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why our workshops are customizable. Whether you prefer a short, energizing session or an immersive experience, we have you covered.

How We Do It

A Workshop by        Alex Peterken
  1. Setting the Stage: We start by aligning the workshop’s goals with your company’s needs. Be it team-building, stress relief, or a celebration, we’ve got the perfect art form to match.
  2. The Kick-Off: Our workshops begin with an engaging introduction, easing your team into the creative process.
  3. The Artistic Journey: Guided by professionals, your team dives into the art-making process, either individually or as a group.
  4. Reflection and Interaction: Post-creation, there’s a time for sharing and reflecting, deepening the understanding and appreciation of the experience.
  5. Making it Last: The art doesn’t just stay in the workshop. We encourage displaying the creations in your office, as a lasting reminder of a fantastic experience.

Why Choose Book An Artist for Your Next Workshop?

We at Book An Artist don’t just organize workshops; we create experiences that leave lasting impressions. Our workshops are designed to ignite creativity, foster team spirit, and offer a refreshing break from the daily routine. As a business owner, investing in such an experience means investing in the happiness and productivity of your team. It’s about creating a workplace that’s vibrant, innovative, and inclusive.


In a nutshell, our Corporate Art Workshops are more than just a fun day away from the office. They’re a strategic tool to foster a dynamic and healthy corporate culture. Partner with us at Book An Artist, and let’s paint a brighter, more creative future for your team!